Monday, January 26, 2009


Now I'm finally having to get back to work. It's almost seem vacation-esque being back at school since I have yet had a full week of class, including this week. I guess the professors get a little lazy like the students tend to too. But I'm trying not to let these lovely little breaks get me in a couch potato mode to where I don't give it my all. I'm sooo not going to give it the "all" that I gave it last semester. That was just too much. But it's important to find a balance in what it is you do. Last semester was no Ashley time. So far this semester it's been Ashley time as a priority instead of school. So now I have to readjust my thinking and get back to it. But still keeping Ashley time on the schedule instead of deleting it completely. 

I feel so humdrum about the whole thing. (Whatever that means) 

I feel like it's going to start off as a blah day, and then something is going to put a serious smile on my face later on.

Don't you just love that feeling?

Quite funky

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